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When it’s too hot to function, naps are almost non-existent, and the kids constantly whine because they’re bored, there’s only one antidote. The beach.

If you’re in Gozo and stuck on which beach to explore with the kids, check out our list of gorgeous swimming spots and tips on what to do or look out for while you’re there.

But before, you know that it’s going to to be incredibly hot out there. Thus, protecting yourself and your little ones should be of top priority. So, make sure you add the following to your beach bag.

  • Sun protection cream 50+ SPF – Our go to is Pharamceris 50+SPF sun cream, available at Brown’s Pharmacy.
  • After sun cream – We love the soothing Lirene SOS after sun cream. You can purchase it at Brown’s Pharmacy.
  • Baby moisturiser and lotion  – We recommend Sanosan Baby Care Lotion. You can find it at Brown’s Pharmacy.
Beach essentials

Our top family-friendly beaches in Gozo

Inland Sea, Dwejra

Dwejra Bay GozoOur family has a soft spot for this place. Admittedly, the water is not the clearest as it can get busy with tourist boats coming in and out of the cave, but the whole area is breathtaking and hasn’t changed much in the past few decades.



Swim sandals as it can get tricky to get in the water. 

Must do/see 
1. We love to include an easy lunch or dinner when we visit. There’s a tiny snack bar right on the bay: a local, perfectly Gozitan, te fit-tazza and Coca Cola chairs type of eatery, that rounds up the Inland Sea experience.
2. There’s a rock right under the arched entrance into the cliff – the kids love to stand on it for some mermaid vibes.

1. Keep an eye on incoming and outgoing boats. It’s not safe to swim through the tunnel with the kids as it’s a somewhat busy waterway.
2. Some areas may be slippery

Mgarr ix-Xini

Mgarr ix-Xini GozoFlung into stardom by Brad and Angelina’s By The Sea, Mgarr ix-Xini can get quite busy in summer but head to the bay early in the morning and it’s perfect. 



Swim sandals – it’s doable without, but a pair helps. 

Must do/see
1. There’s a flock of ducks which made the bay it’s home. They paddle gently among swimmers and the kids literally squeal with delight when they see them – every single time.
2. There are two places where you can grab: i. Either a quick lunch or ii. a longer, a la carte fish feast. If you’re in no particular rush, the second option is well worth a try.

The road to get to Mgarr ix-Xini is very narrow at times (but the view is incredible) so prepare for some awkward maneuvering along the way. Take the first parking space you find as there isn’t much space next to the bay. 

Ħonqod ir-Rummien

Hondoq ir-Rummien Bay GozoA small sandy beach with crystal clear waters. This is a great spot for older kids who love to jump in te ocean! We recommend this beach as it is ideal for all age groups. Toddlers and young kids can enjoy the sandy area, build sand castles and splash into the water.  In this bay you will also find bars, kiosks and bathrooms. It is also a beautiful spot for cave-hunting too. All you have to do is simply follow the rocky coast.



Bucket, spade and everything else for some sand fun.

A pair of goggles 

Must do/see
Explore the caves with the older kids.

This bay is pretty safe. You will find that it is very popular with locals and divers.

Wied l-Għasri

Wied il-Ghasri GozoThis narrow, secluded bay nestled between two cliffs is a reminder of the beauty of living on an island. It’s ideal to visit outside the busy hours of late morning and early afternoon as there isn’t much space where to sit. The water is amazing though, and there’s also a cave on the right for the kids to fire their imagination in. 



Pack lightly as the bay is only accessible via a staircase. 

Must do/see
There isn’t anything remotely connected to civilisation (except for a couple of boat houses that were always empty when we visited), but you can marvel at the beauty of the area.

Chances are you’ll spot large yellow jellyfish floating aimlessly, but they’re harmless.

Ramla Bay

Ramla Bay GozoThe kids can never get enough of Ramla, but I’ve certainly got enough of the sand we bring back home with us. Still, we all enjoy our time there – the water is mostly shallow and it’s all sand. As with all beaches in summer, it can get seriously busy, especially in August. The best time to visit is early morning when the sea is still clean, not too warm (yes, the water gets very warm by evening) and there are only a handful of people and fewer boats around.



Beach toys – loads of them, the kids will love you for it. We usually pack McDonalds figurines and build castles for them. A winner, every time!

Must do/see
1. You can take a little hike and visit a smaller inlet on the right side of the bay which the locals call ix-Xtajta. It’s as sandy, but cleaner and less busier.
2. Champions ice cream (or iced coffee). Their flurry can honestly substitute dinner. 
3. A take away ftira from one of the restaurants, to eat on the sand. (Dispose of litter responsibly, please!)

Ramla is pretty safe, but when there are underlying currents, the central part of the bay can get dangerous. In fact, it’s not a designated swim zone. Always follow lifeguard signs to check for safety.

To help you out even further in choosing the best beach to go to with your kids, check out the forecast for each beach here. Enjoy! 

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