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As the season may eventually change (the weather feel quite confused at the moment) we want to prepare for weekends filled with hearty activity. If you have older children in your house then this is the time to get them out & active.

In this article, we list 5 lovely walks around Malta and Gozo, each with plenty of breathtaking views and the right dose of challenge and adventure for 5 to 10 year olds.

malta walks dwejra lines

Dwejra Lines, Rabat (Malta) 

  • Distance: 3.5km, with some uneven terrain.
  • Total time with a 5-year old: 1hr 20mins

Park here

Walk West along the Dwejra lines in a woody, shaded pathway lined with old barracks built by the English. Remember to peek over the incline on your right to see the first breath-taking view of the walk – all of the North of Malta as far as the eye can see! (But also remember to hold onto your kids when you’re up there, to be safe).

Dwejra Lines Sheep Malta

Photo by @maltascapes on Instagram

If you’re lucky enough, you might cross paths with the local shepherd leading his small flock of sheep and goats along this path, guarded by three tiny chihuahuas!

About 30 minutes in, the path will get a bit uneven and dip to the left. Follow it down for the next great vista – a mini version of the “great wall” crossing the valley, with the picturesque chapel of Our Lady of Hodegetria to your right. When you come up the other side of the valley, you’ll be on a tarmac road.

Keep left at every junction – beware of cars, although it’s a very quiet area. Your third left will bring you back to the quieter, shaded path you started on, and back to where you parked your car.

Dwejra Lines Walk Route

Għajn Tejtes to Ras id-Dawwara, Rabat (Malta)

Ghajn Tejtes Ras id-Dawwara Walk Malta

Photo by @floyd7777 on Instagram

  • Distance: 5.2km, rather hilly.
  • Total time: 2hrs 30mins

Park here at Għajn Tejtes. 

Kick off the walk towards the NorthEast, where you’ll see Cave Dwellings marked on Google maps. You can head down the little pathway to see the dwellings for yourselves – they’re still inhabited by local farmers!

Then continue along the original path which will curve west, then south. Head down the hill with beautiful sea views ahead of you and continue on to Ras id-Dawwara – the perfect spot for a family photo.

This is your mid-point. Begin your ascent back to Għajn Tejtes by following the path to the East. On Google Maps, you’re heading towards Is-Simblija, but you won’t get that far as you’ll take the first turning left. This takes you right back to your car.

Ghajn Tejtes to Ras id-Dawwara Walk Malta

ghar tuta arch beach

Torri l-Aħmar to Għar Tuta, Ċirkewwa

  • Distance: 5km, on straight pathways
  • Total time: 2hrs 

Park here at Torri l-Aħmar

Follow the straight pathway that takes you to the Radar Station to the west of Malta’s tail. This is a beautiful viewpoint. Then double back a few meters to find the straight path that takes you north.

If you’re feeling adventurous, or in the mood for a private dip in the sea with the kids, pause at the end of this path before you turn left and look for the steps that take you down to your left, towards the sea. This path leads you to a stunning, pebbly inlet that few know about, featuring a tiny version of the lost Dwejra window – the perfect spot to share a ftira and splash about!

ghar tuta torri l-ahmar walk

Photo by @wanderdamsel on Instagram

Back on the path, follow the route East towards Għar Tuta. This surprisingly enormous cave is a hotspot for rock climbers, but you can make your way down into the cavern to explore if your kids find caves fascinating.

Once you’re ready to move on, get back on the straight route called Triq Għajn Tuta that takes you towards the Marfa main road. Turn right at the end of it to skirt the main road and make your way back up the hill towards the Red Tower.

torri l-ahmar to ghar tuta walk


Marsalforn to is-Salvatur and back

  • Marsalforn walk is-Salvatur

    Photo by @paddyx_mt on Instagram

    Distance: 3.1km with a slightly challenging, uphill part.

  • Total time: 1hr 30mins

Park here, next to the Ġnien it-Tlett Għoljiet swings.

Walk down towards the valley, then turn right to follow the path. There are ducks on the right, and a small farm on the left with shepherd dogs eager to play with whoever is passing by. The path is closed to traffic on Sunday afternoons and public holidays, however, only a few cars use the road when open.

Eventually, you’ll reach a tiny roundabout, inhabited only by a small tree. Continue walking parallel to the waterway, until the path starts going uphill on the right. You have to be careful here as the path exits into an arterial road, one of the busiest ones in Gozo. Make sure the kids are close to you, be extra careful of incoming traffic, and together cross the road towards is-Salvatur

Walk North towards Marsalforn for about 150m, taking the pathway on the right. Follow the uphill path until you reach the very top, right next to the statue of the Risen Christ. The last part is uneven and slightly challenging, especially if there was a spell of heavy rain before your visit. The view is absolutely breathtaking though, so well worth a bit of huffing and puffing to get there. This is where you can also share one of the many legends attributed with the hill – including tales of a dormant volcano! Read more about the Tas-Salvatur hill here.  

Once you’ve soaked in your surroundings and recounted all the tales, follow the same route to the car. Another option is to follow the road, without going down to the valley, but it does get busy, so it’s not the safest option.

(One last note – Maltatina did this same route with a baby strapped to her front and loved it! See her full post about it here.

Marsalforn walk to Salvatur

Xagħra to Ramla l-Ħamra and back

  • Distance: 6.4km 
  • Total time: 2hrs 30mins – 3hrs

Park here

Xaghra to Ramla Gozo Walk

Image by @xer212 on Instagram

Follow the road towards the valley without taking any side paths. You’ll eventually arrive at a fork in the road, with one path leading to Dreams of Horses farm and another towards Ramla Bay. The farm is well worth a visit if you’ve never been. It’s usually open in the afternoons and kids can help feed the animals as well as learn about the rescued horses and their background. 

If you don’t have much time, follow the road as it curves slightly left to continue your way to Ramla. Follow the path to its end – you’ll then find yourself on the main road to Ramla so be careful here – it’s not overly busy in winter, but there’s always the occasional car. Turn right and follow the road up to the bay.

Ramla is beautiful in winter. See if the kids can point out the remains of the Villa Maritima, a Roman villa with most of its foundations protected by layers of sand (check out this article to learn more about the villa ahead of your walk). As for food, there are two restaurants, but these only open during the summer months. Consider packing a light lunch to enjoy on the sand. Once everyone has regained some energy, make your way back along the same route. We promise bedtime will be swift after this one!

Xaghra to Ramla l-Hamra Walk Gozo


We hope we’ve inspired you to get walking and exploring with these 5 gorgeous walks. Tag us on Instagram @islandbebemalta with all your happy snaps once you try them out!

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We’ve made every effort to present the most accurate information and to point out any possible hazards. That said, is not responsible for any accident, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone following these walks.


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